Dealing With A Head-On Collision In Atlanta?
Trust Gary Martin Hays to resolve your case
Were you or a loved one injured in a head-on collision in Atlanta? Did a family member die in the crash? Are you struggling to figure out what to do next? These are serious questions that demand immediate answers after your car accident.
Fortunately, you're not alone. We can help. At the Law Offices of Gary Martin Hays & Associates, P.C., our experienced Atlanta head-on collision attorneys have been handling such complex cases for years.
As your attorney, we can get straight to work on your case. We can carefully analyze your accident report. Track down witnesses who saw your crash. Consult with experts if necessary. Whatever it takes to uncover the truth, we're prepared to do the work that needs to be done.

What is a head-on collision?
A head-on collision is a type of car accident that occurs when two vehicles traveling in opposite directions collide, front-end to front-end. Head-on collisions commonly happen on two-lane roads, highways, and intersections in Atlanta when one vehicle crosses into oncoming traffic.
This type of collision often results in significant damage, severe injuries, and in worst-case scenarios can be fatal, due to the combined force and area of the vehicles' impact.
How did your head-on collision happen?
Head-on collisions can happen at a moment's notice in Atlanta. Whether you're driving on Edgewood Avenue, Martin Luther King Jr. Drive or anywhere else in the city, all it takes is one small mistake by one reckless driver to cause a serious auto accident.

If you or a family member was injured in a head-on collision, odds are your accident likely happened due to one of the following circumstances:
- A texting driver crashed head-on into your vehicle.
- A driver talking on a cell phone caused the collision.
- A drunk driver crossed the center line and caused the accident.
- A driver fell asleep at the wheel and caused a crash.
- A driver turned into oncoming traffic.
Head-on crashes can happen for many other reasons in Atlanta. And in each case, we take the time to find out exactly what happened. That's why it's critical that you contact our law firm as soon as possible to find out how an Atlanta head-on collision lawyer can help you.
What are common head-on collision injuries?
Head-on collisions in Atlanta often cause severe injuries. The combined impact of both vehicles can lead to a range of injuries that can cause significant pain, including but not limited to:
- Whiplash: Whiplash occurs when the sudden impact of a head-on collision causes the neck to jolt back and forth rapidly, straining the muscles and ligaments. Whiplash from a head-on collision can result in pain and limited mobility.
- Traumatic brain injuries (TBI): The force of impact in a head-on collision can cause the brain to collide with the skull, leading to traumatic brain injuries. These injuries range from concussions to more severe brain damage, potentially impacting cognitive, physical, and emotional functions.
- Chest injuries: Head-on collisions can lead to chest injuries as the body abruptly bangs against the steering wheel or dashboard. These injuries can range from bruising to severe rib fractures or damage to internal organs.
- Back injuries: Herniated discs, broken vertebrae, and other back injuries sustained in head-on collisions can cause serious and chronic pain.
- Spinal cord injuries: The impact from a head-on collision can lead to damage to the spinal cord. Severe spinal cord injuries can result in paralysis or loss of sensation below the point of injury.
- Fractures (broken bones): Head-on collisions have enough force to cause bones to break upon impact, often resulting in pain, limited mobility, and the need for immediate medical attention.
- Internal injuries: The sudden impact in a head-on collision can cause organs to collide against each other or the ribcage, leading to internal injuries such as bleeding, bruising, or damage to organs like the liver or spleen.
- Burns: Burns can occur if the collision results in a fire or if hot substances are released due to the impact. Burns can vary in severity and might require extensive medical treatment.
- Cuts and lacerations: The impact of a collision can cause glass shards, debris, or other objects to be projected in the air, leading to cuts and lacerations. These injuries can cause excessive bleeding requiring immediate medical attention and potential stitches or sutures.
Why you should choose us
You might think you don't need a lawyer if another driver caused your or your loved one’s head-on collision in Atlanta. All you have to do is call the police and your insurance company and they'll take care of everything, right?
Don't be so sure. In many cases, insurance companies only care about one thing - paying you as little as possible. That's why they'll likely do everything they can to pin the blame on you in order to avoid having to pay you for your crash.
That's not right. That's why we take such cases so seriously and fight hard to secure a fair settlement for you. For us, it's not just about the money. It's about holding drivers - and insurance companies - responsible for their actions.
That's why we're eager to meet with you. Fight for the compensation you need and deserve. Schedule your free case evaluation at our Atlanta office today and discover what an experienced Atlanta auto accident attorney can do for you.