As part of their investigation into a car accident, officers take statements and record injury information in the police crash report. Police officers are also required to make a note of any crash injuries and their severity that resulted from the wreck using the KABCO scale. KABCO, as defined by the guidelines established by the...
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What Are the Elements of a Wrongful Death Lawsuit in Georgia?
Surviving loved ones may be entitled to compensation for their pain and losses. A wrongful death is a tragic occurrence that happens when a person's death is caused by the negligence, willful act, or indifference of another party. In some cases, victims pass away immediately after the incident. Other cases can be prolonged over months...
Read More6 Ways to Reduce Road Fatalities in Atlanta
Each year, more than 1.25 million lives are lost on the roads around the world. Georgia saw a surge in fatal crashes, with an estimated 1,806 deaths due to traffic accidents in 2021, along with tens of thousands of injuries. Traffic-related fatalities nowadays are often seen as “inevitable,” “unavoidable,” and “common.” That's just how things...
Read MoreTrailer Park Fire Injury and Deaths: Georgia Lawyer
Trailer parks are at a greater risk of destruction by burning, with the death rate for victims of mobile home fires nearly double that of site-built houses. When a fire starts in one home, it can easily spread to the cluster of homes around it, and before long, the entire park is engulfed in flame...
Read MoreWho’s Liable for Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in an Apartment Complex?
Each year, more than 400 Americans die from accidental carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning, with an additional 14,000 hospitalized and approximately 50,000 visiting emergency departments. Exposure to harmful levels of carbon monoxide can happen anywhere, including apartment units and complexes. In Gwinnett County, fire crews were called to assist a person at an apartment complex who...
Read MoreInvisible Wounds: Traumatic Brain Injuries After a Car Accident
It’s possible to survive a horrendous crash without any cuts, bruises, or broken bones and still become permanently disabled for life. Such was the case for Dr. Nicole Eastman, who was driving to work for her shift at the hospital. A tractor-trailer truck crashed into her vehicle, striking it multiple times. Emergency personnel were shocked...
Read MoreHow Protected Bike Lanes Can Reduce Bicycle Accidents in Atlanta and Save Lives
A study published in the Journal of Transport and Health found that increasing protections for bicycle lanes led to safer roads for all. After analyzing 13 years of traffic crash data for 12 U.S. cities, researchers found that urban areas with protected and separated bike lanes had 44% fewer deaths and 50% fewer serious injuries...
Read MoreInjured on the Job Because of an Employee From Another Company
A workplace accident may not only be the responsibility of your employer. Third-party negligence may also be a factor. What do we mean by “third party”? A third party refers to an entity or person who is not a co-worker or the business that hired you. A third-party employee, for example, could be another worker...
Read MoreTaking Pictures After an Atlanta Car Accident
8 tips drivers need to know for capturing photo evidence after a crash If you were hurt in a car accident in the Atlanta area, you may be able to recover financial compensation. But it’s important to build a strong case. Taking photos of the accident scene soon after the crash can help support your...
Read MoreAJC Lists 272 Apartment Complexes in Atlanta as Troubled, Hazardous
Three reporters and an investigations editor from the AJC spent more than a year and a half investigating neglected apartment complexes across the Atlanta metro area. What they found were residents trapped in horrifyingly unsafe and unsanitary conditions. Serious crime is rampant and often left unchecked. Accidental fires from decayed infrastructure sent children to the...
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