Personal Injury Lawyer | Atlanta, Georgia
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Client Story: I Never Thought It Would Ever Happen to Me

Northbound I-285 Past Memorial Drive

May 27

It’s Saturday, and 49-year-old Tineke is on her way home to get ready for her second job. Suddenly, a car entering the highway switches lanes, striking the passenger side and rear of Tineke’s vehicle. She loses control and veers into a ditch beside the road.

The other driver tries to flee the scene but ends up striking another vehicle.

Tineke, shaken and bruised, is trapped inside her car. Glass litters the interior, the driver’s side and rear windows destroyed. The front windshield is cracked and splintered. The Honda Civic’s engine refuses to start.

Fortunately, Tineke’s son arrives at the scene and helps her out through the passenger side. Her car is totaled. And she is in a great deal of pain.


In the aftermath of the crash, Tineke wasn’t sure what to do.

“This was my first wreck and it scared me real bad,” she said. “This never has happened to me before. And for this to be a major thing in my life, I never thought it would ever happen to me.”

Tineke suffered multiple injuries as a result of the wreck, including lower back pain, bruises to her arms and legs, cuts from glass, a loose tooth, and constant neck pain.

Unsure of what to do next after going to the hospital, she asked her friends for advice. One friend recommended she call Gary Martin Hays & Associates.

“When I called, she was correct, they were awesome,” Tineke said.

Her first meeting at the firm cemented her decision, describing the experience like going home after being gone for a long time and being embraced by the family. “I felt like I was with my family having a family meeting. That’s how they made me feel and I love them for that,” Tineke said.

Her lawyer and caseworker showed her how the personal injury process worked, step by step. They also gave her recommendations for doctors and physical therapists located in her area.

While at the firm, Tineke also met Attorney Gary Martin Hays. She described him as the “kindest lawyer” she’d ever met. “I never knew lawyers could be that cool, but he is,” she said with a laugh.

Despite the pain and chiropractor visits, Tineke enjoyed working with the law firm and said they made her feel comfortable throughout the case.

When asked if she would recommend the firm to others, Tineke said yes. “They are about you. They work with you. They want to make sure you’re okay. It’s not about the other people or whoever else is involved. They are focused on what you need and what needs to be done for you,” she said. “They were just there for me and I’m glad that I chose them to handle my case.”

The interview has been edited for clarity. The client gave the testimony of their own free will and was not paid for their appearance.


Further Reading

Broken But Not Undone: Brandon’s Story

What to Do About Neck Pain After a Wreck

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