It’s estimated that 40% of people who are involved in a car accident receive a concussion but aren’t diagnosed.
This may be because an injured victim doesn’t recognize the signs of a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Or the CT or MRI scan missed the microscopic injuries to their brain’s neurons and neural connections and they didn’t get a second opinion.
The brain is complicated. There are a wide variety of possible symptoms that can occur due to post-concussive syndrome. The most common symptoms of TBI include mood/personality changes, brain fog, trouble focusing, headaches, and memory problems.
Slightly less common but still prevalent among TBI victims is sensitivity to sound and light, sleep disturbances (sleeping too much or too little), balance problems, dizziness, changes in vision, and nausea.
In a study involving more than 350,000 veterans, scientists found that even mild TBI without loss of consciousness put victims at a greater risk for dementia. They also documented a wide range of persistent symptoms that developed after the head injury occurred.
Here is an in-depth list of persisting symptoms of post-concussive syndrome arranged from most common to least common:
Persistent TBI Symptoms
- Headaches
- Memory Deficits
- Concentration Difficulties
- Imbalance
- Dizziness
- Fatigue
- Nausea
- Sensitivity to Light
- Sleeping Problems
- Irritability
- Depression
- Vision Changes
- Anxiety
- Mental Fogginess
- Sensitivity to Noise
- Neck Pain
- Tinnitus
- Increase Emotionality
- Pressure in the Head
- Lightheadedness
- Personality Changes
- Vertigo
- Confusion
- Numbness
- Feeling Slowed Down
- Learning Difficulties
- Loss of Appetite
- Vomiting
- Panic Attacks
- Thinking Time Increased
- Frustration
- Increased Sensitivity to Alcohol
- Speech Problems
- Seizures
- Aggression
- Problem-Solving Difficulties
- Response Speed Slowed
- Restlessness
- Stomach Ache
- Apathy
Source: “Association of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury With and Without Loss of Consciousness With Dementia in US Military Veterans” - JAMA Neurology
Brain Injury Is a Serious Condition
Whether you experienced trauma to the head due to a car accident, workplace accident, or other incidents due to negligence, it is vital you receive the proper screening and correct diagnosis.
We can connect you with neurological specialists who can help you treat and manage long-term TBI symptoms. Our law firm can also ensure the insurance company takes your injuries seriously.
Just because your injuries are internal and can’t be seen doesn’t mean they should be disregarded or ignored. Our Atlanta accident injury attorneys understand firsthand the dramatic impact even a mild concussion can have on a person and their family’s lives.
For help with your personal injury claim for a concussion or traumatic brain injury, contact Gary Martin Hays & Associates to get started on your case right away.