Northbound I-285 Past Memorial Drive May 27 It’s Saturday, and 49-year-old Tineke is on her way home to get ready for her second job. Suddenly, a car entering the highway switches lanes, striking the passenger side and rear of Tineke’s vehicle. She loses control and veers into a ditch beside the road. The other driver...
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Is drugged driving just as prevalent as drunk driving?
Last month, we discussed the commonality of crashes caused by alcohol-impairment. In addition, we identified the point at which impairment begins, even among drivers with a legal BAC limit. Drunk driving is a major safety concern during the holiday season. We hear the public service announcements warning drivers not to drink and get behind the...
Read MoreWhat to Do About Neck Pain After a Wreck
Neck pain after a car accident is common. For most people, it only lasts for a few hours or days. But for some, the crash can result in serious injury. Seek medical attention and reach out to our law firm if you are experiencing severe neck pain after a wreck. Neck Injury Symptoms Motor vehicle...
Read MoreBroken But Not Undone: Brandon’s Story
It was the end of a perfect September day when Brandon’s life changed forever. While riding in the passenger seat of his friend’s car, the traffic light ahead turned red. By the time Brandon realized his friend hadn’t seen the light change, it was too late. As the 1998 Ford Mustang GT sped across the...
Read MoreCan Driving at a Legal BAC Level Be a Factor in an Alcohol-Related Crash?
Every day across the United States nearly 30 people, on average, are killed in crashes related to drunk driving. In 2017, approximately 10,874 people lost their lives due to drunk driving, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). In 2016 alone, there were more than 368 traffic fatalities throughout the state of Georgia...
Read More5 Myths and Facts About Wearing Seat Belts
There are many myths surrounding seat belt safety. We analyze the most common misconceptions, reveal the truth, and share tips on what you can do to ensure you and your fellow passengers stay safe while riding in a car. Myth #1: There is no need to wear a seat belt if you aren’t driving that...
Read MoreThe Dangers of Not Wearing a Seatbelt in the Back Seat
Many of us have heard this expression somewhere before: the back seat is less dangerous than the front seat. This false sense of security has led many to forego buckling up when riding in the back. This is dangerous for many reasons. The laws of physics don't just apply to front-seat passengers. In fact, not...
Read MoreEmergency Car Accident Kit Checklist
Are you prepared just in case you're involved in a car wreck? Odds are it's going to happen at least 3 to 4 times during your life. In the heat of the moment, with adrenaline and stress rushing through you, it can be easy to forget what to do. Whether it's a minor fender bender...
Read MoreAn Atlanta Attorney on Recovering From a Car Wreck with Chiropractic Treatment
You were involved in a car wreck. Now what? After going through the required steps - exchanging insurance information and contacting police - you feel well enough to continue with your day. Days later, you notice discomfort in your back, neck, or shoulders. You may experience tingling in the arms or ringing in the ears....
Read More7 Important Qualities to Look For When Hiring a Car Wreck Lawyer
You're driving down the road, minding your own business, when a car rams into you from behind. The other driver apologizes and says they weren't paying attention. Your car is totaled and you're injured. You're already dreading your medical bills and future treatment costs. What do you do? You should hire a lawyer that specializes...
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