Personal Injury Lawyer | Atlanta, Georgia
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What Is KABCO? How Police Categorize Injuries After a Crash

As part of their investigation into a car accident, officers take statements and record injury information in the police crash report. Police officers are also required to make a note of any crash injuries and their severity that resulted from the wreck using the KABCO scale. KABCO, as defined by the guidelines established by the…

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6 Ways to Reduce Road Fatalities in Atlanta

Each year, more than 1.25 million lives are lost on the roads around the world. Georgia saw a surge in fatal crashes, with an estimated 1,806 deaths due to traffic accidents in 2021, along with tens of thousands of injuries. Traffic-related fatalities nowadays are often seen as “inevitable,” “unavoidable,” and “common.” That's just how things…

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Invisible Wounds: Traumatic Brain Injuries After a Car Accident

It’s possible to survive a horrendous crash without any cuts, bruises, or broken bones and still become permanently disabled for life. Such was the case for Dr. Nicole Eastman, who was driving to work for her shift at the hospital. A tractor-trailer truck crashed into her vehicle, striking it multiple times. Emergency personnel were shocked…

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What If You’re Injured By a Driver Who Failed to Yield?

Failure to yield the right of way is one of the most common reasons for car accidents and pedestrian injuries. In most cases, a failure-to-yield accident happens due to decision errors or reckless behavior — up to 94% of crashes are attributed to driver performance and mistakes. Such errors may include: Impatience Speeding or driving…

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5 Common Traffic Violations That Lead To Car Accidents

Drivers put themselves and others in danger when they violate traffic laws. Police officers in Atlanta and other communities throughout Georgia issue hundreds of thousands of traffic tickets each year. On average, local police officers and state troopers from the Georgia State Patrol issue more than 800,000 traffic citations each year for three particular violations,…

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Georgia Ranks 5th Most Dangerous for Drowsy Drivers

Too many tired drivers get behind the wheel and cause car accidents When we think of bad driving behaviors, drunk driving, texting and driving, and recklessly driving over the speed limit may come to mind. But one of the most dangerous bad driving behaviors isn't getting the attention it deserves. Falling asleep at the wheel…

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T-Bone Accident: Determining Fault, Getting Treatment, and Filing for Compensation

When a vehicle slams into the side of another vehicle, this is known as a T-bone accident. It may also be referred to as a broadside collision, right angle collision, or AABS (auto accident, broadside). In severe cases, the impacted vehicle may spin out or rollover. T-bone car accidents are traumatic events. Despite what movies…

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Seat Belt Injury Symptoms and Treatment After a Car Accident

Seat belts have protected countless lives. Estimates by the National Safety Council put the number of lives saved at nearly 375,000 since 1975. That’s more than 7,600 accident survivors per year. Unfortunately, some drivers and passengers continue to ride without these vital safety straps. Half of all occupants who died in motor vehicle crashes were…

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Low-Cost Treatment for Anxiety, Depression, and PTSD After an Accident

Severe accidents can have a traumatic impact on individuals. The shock of the crash, especially if a person suffered life-threatening injuries, may leave a victim with debilitating mental health issues. Yet the cost of therapy and prescription medication often keeps victims of emotional shock from receiving the treatment they need. In 2019, more than 13…

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