Facial Injuries After Car Wrecks
A car accident can leave people with a wide range of injuries that have a significant impact on their lives. These include injuries to the head, neck, or back. Another injury we often see in car wrecks involves facial trauma - and this includes everything from broken jaws to dental injuries. These facial injuries can…
Read More »Atlanta Injury Lawyers Offer Tips for Safe Summer Road Trips
Summer road trips are the stuff memories are made of, but drivers need to be careful so they don't end up making the wrong kind of memories. Atlanta is a prime tourist destination, with the Atlanta Convention & Visitors Bureau reporting some 51 million visitors in 2015, including 1.2 million international guests. These figures represent a 50…
Read More »Clayton County Tractor Trailer Accidents
Clayton County is located in the north central portion of Georgia with a population of 267,542. The county itself is seeing a steady growth in population. And with those numbers, there's an increase in traffic and the possibility of accidents. Recent data, according to the Governor's Office of Highway Safety, shows that in 2014 there…
Read More »Workers’ Compensation and Shoulder Injuries
In my law practice, we represent so many workers who sustained shoulder injuries on the job. Now here is a question that we are consistently asked by those workers and their families. What is a fair settlement for my shoulder injury under Georgia's workers' compensation system? The only HONEST answer I - or anyone else…
Read More »Clayton County Accidents on the Rise
Clayton County is seeing an increase of car accidents over the years. Recent data, according to the Governor's Office of Highway Safety, shows that in 2014 there were 12,397 total crashes, with 3,714 injuries and 21 deaths. In 2015, according to stats provided by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there were 25 deaths. There…
Read More »What is my personal injury case worth?
One question that we are often asked by our clients when we talk to them about their personal injury claim is "What is my case worth? It's interesting whenever a client or potential client asks us this question, they are often surprised by our initial answer. All of the attorneys in our office tell them…
Read More »Clayton County’s Deadliest Intersections
Clayton County is located in the north central portion of Georgia with a population of 267,542. The county itself is seeing a steady growth in population. With growth in population, there's also more traffic and, unfortunately, car accidents. So, where are the most dangerous intersections located? There are quite a few problematic roadways, as far…
Read More »What To Ask Before Hiring An Attorney?
Here are some very important things to ask and consider BEFORE you hire an attorney. What To Ask Before Hiring An Attorney (1) Is the attorney you see in the ads or hear on the radio even licensed to practice law in Georgia? Believe it or not, some of the attorneys that you see or…
Read More »Atlanta Traffic Among Worst In The World
It's no surprise that Atlanta is a hub for traffic jams, but what if we told you that Atlanta is among the worst congested cities in the world? Well, it is, according to a recent report released by INRIX's Traffic Analytics. Atlanta ranked eighth in the world for congestion with commuters spending 70.8 hours in…
Read More »Fulton County Pedestrian Accidents Increasing
Fulton County has the largest population out of any other county in Georgia - with an estimated 1.1 million residents. And with those numbers, there's an increase in traffic and the possibility of accidents. Recent data, according to the Governor's Office Highway Safety shows that in 2014 there were 55,833 total crashes, with 14,373 injuries…
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