Falls and Fractures in Nursing Homes
The vast majority of falls and injuries that happen in nursing homes are preventable. Yet the CDC reports the average nursing home experiences about 100-200 falls per year. It is a troubling issue since some falls and injuries go unreported. Falls can result in fractures, disability, loss of function, loss of independence, or reduction in…
Read More »Top 3 Questions Clients Ask Us (And What We Tell Them)
As a personal injury firm, we've handled just about every type of case involving wrecks, work injuries, and violent crime. But for most clients, this is their first time dealing with a lawyer, so their questions are more or less the same. Below is a breakdown of the top three most common questions we…
Read More »Can You Drink While Driving a Boat?
Is it illegal to have alcohol on a boat? No. Is it illegal to drink alcohol and operate a watercraft? Yes! Do not drink and operate a boat at the same time. Georgia's Boat Safety Act prohibits anyone from operating a boat, sailboat, jet ski, kayak, or other watercraft while impaired. Boating under the influence…
Read More »Should I See a Doctor After a Car Accident?
The following is an excerpt from Gary Martin Hays' most best-selling book The Authority on Personal Injury Claims in Georgia: The Definitive Guide for Injured Victims & Their Lawyers in Car Accident Cases. Gary provides a peek behind the curtain at how the Law Offices of Gary Martin Hays & Associates successfully represents clients…
Read More »A Plea From the Road
Last Monday, Anthony Pughroberts, a truck driver, emailed us with a simple plea: "It is better to lose a minute in your life than your life in a minute." While traveling along I-16 between Macon and Savannah, Anthony witnessed an accident. In the wake of that event, he shared these words with family and…
Read More »Pedestrian Accidents: What Happens If a Car Hits You?
It's late at night. You're walking along the side of the road on your way home. You're tired and all you want to do is watch TV or sleep. Without warning, the world around you turns bright and the metal hood of a car slams into your back and knocks you off your feet. The…
Read More »Is Atlanta Bike-Friendly?
The weather is finally warming up, just in time for National Bike Month! Bike ridership for commuting has risen by nearly 40 percent in the past decade and more and more cities are implementing ride-share bicycle programs for residents and tourists alike. Unfortunately, as the number of bike riders has increased, so have bike accidents…
Read More »Atlanta Car Accident Victims Can Suffer Severe Facial Injuries
There are many different types of facial injuries which can be sustained in an auto accident. These injuries are often accompanied by other types of injuries which may complicate the victim's recovery. Facial injuries can also lead to permanent scarring or disfigurement on the most visible part of the human body. All of these effects…
Read More »Distracted Driving Accidents On the Rise in Georgia
As of the writing of this post, the current number of Georgia roadway fatalities for 2018 sits at 353 and looks to be on pace to equal last year's fatality numbers. Highway fatalities and car accidents have risen over the past three years and Georgia led the nation in auto insurance premium increases in 2016.…
Read More »Georgia's Truck-Only Highway Aims to Reduce Accident Risks
A truck-only highway from Macon to Atlanta is among the proposals aimed at reducing congestion and the risk of Georgia trucking accidents. NPR is reporting that the 40-mile truck-only highway would cost $1.8 billion and be the first of its kind in the country. It would be funded by the gas tax passed in 2015,…
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