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Car Accidents Increasing in Dekalb County

Dekalb County continues to see an increase in car accidents over the years.

Recent data, according to the Governor's Office of Highway Safety, shows that in 2014 there were 38,627 total crashes, with 11,812 injuries and 55 deaths.

These increases could be caused by a variety of reasons.

The Atlanta Regional Commission speculates that population increase and commute into regions of Atlanta plays a role.

The daily vehicle miles traveled by Dekalb County residents in 2014 was 21,785,154. According to the ARC, there is a continued increase of commuter traffic through suburban areas in Dekalb.

Overall, in 2014, Dekalb grew by 722,161.

With more traffic in suburban areas, there more incidents (Most Dangerous Intersections).

So, how can you make a difference?

  • Slow down
  • Wear your seatbelt
  • And put away all distractions

If you've been injured in a car accident in Dekalb County, fill out our free case evaluation.

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