Personal Injury Lawyer | Atlanta, Georgia
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Car Accident Lawyer: Why You Should Hire Someone Who Specializes in Personal Injury Claims

Personal Injury Lawyer Georgia

Hiring a lawyer after an auto accident is an important decision. You want to hire the right one but there are so many choices. How do you know which law firm is right for you?

The first thing to look for is whether or not the attorney you are researching specializes in personal injury.

Personal injury is a legal term for an injury to a person's body, mind, or emotions. Just like divorce or workers' compensation, personal injury lawyers inhabit a specific niche within the legal world.

You wouldn't want just any kind of doctor doing surgery on you, right? The same goes for a lawyer. You want a specialist who knows what they are doing and is confident in their abilities to do a job well done.

Laws change constantly. It is incredibly difficult, if not impossible, for an attorney to keep current on the latest happenings in every legal arena.

An attorney can claim they "specialize" in personal injury law or car crashes, but do your due diligence to verify this. If their website lists types of cases unrelated to the personal injury arena like bankruptcy or criminal defense, then there is a good chance they have not handled or do not handle a lot of cases for car accident victims.

Benefits of Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer

From our expertise to efficient case managers, we work for you and want the best outcome possible for your case. Check out our Car Accident FAQ to see the answers to some the most questions people ask us!

  • We investigate the wreck and gather all of the facts.

The investigation of a potential claim starts the moment you call our office or come in for their free consultation. We will interview you to find out as many details as possible about the wreck and then review the police report to verify the story.

If we agree to represent you, we investigate further, interviewing witnesses, obtaining video surveillance from nearby businesses or red light cameras, talking to EMTs and any other first responders, etc.

  • We make sure you are fairly compensated for the damage to your vehicle.

Collisions suck because not only are you hurt, but you've also lost your main mode of transportation to your job, school, the grocery store, and a dozen other important places. There are the towing and storage costs, finding a rental car, plus evaluations and repairs. If your car is considered "totaled", you then have to deal with salvage negotiations and a diminished value claim.

These issues are time-consuming, exhausting, and you may be overlooking areas where you should receive compensation for things like lost wages but didn't know to ask. We've dealt with thousands of car accident cases and know the tricks the insurance company will try to use to get out of paying what they owe.

  • We work with you to find the right doctor or treatment facility for your injuries.

If you have been injured in a collision, it is important that you get prompt medical care for your injuries. You had your health before the wreck and you need to get that back as best you can. This should be your ultimate goal.

We always tell our clients that they need to start from the top of their head and go to the tip of their toes to tell the medical professionals about their injuries. If a part of your body was injured and only hurt for a brief period, it is still important to tell the doctor so this can be memorialized in the physician's or chiropractor's notes.

These medical records are an integral part of the demand package which will be sent to the insurance adjuster when it is time to settle your claim.

Never try to tough it out and don't feel guilty or worried about having to get medical treatment. Our job is to make sure you don't pay a dime for time spent healing and in recovery - it's the insurance company's responsibility to cover all your medical bills.

  • You know someone's got your back.

Insurance companies have hundreds, even thousands of lawyers working for them, ready to poke holes in your case. Their insurance adjusters are trained to either get you to take a quick check or minimize your recovery options by getting you to say or do something against your best interests.

Having a team of lawyers to support you and deal with the insurance company in your stead takes a lot of stress and uncertainty out of the equation. This way you can focus on getting better, going to work, and doing the activities that you enjoy.

Attorney Gary Martin Hays

Talk to Gary Martin Hays

The choice is certainly yours on whether or not you hire legal representation.  But remember: you only have one shot at justice to recover all the cash and benefits to which you are entitled.

We highly recommend you hire our team of Georgia attorneys and take advantage of the FREE consultation we offer. This will allow you the opportunity to ask an expert all of the questions that you have rather than relying on random or inaccurate information you may find in an online search.

We're here to use our knowledge of the law to help you get the medical treatment and peace of mind that you need to get your life back on track. Whether it's a rear-end crash, large truck accident, or hit and run, we've seen it all.

Contact us today or call 770-934-8000 to speak with our attorneys!

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