How big of a problem is aggressive driving?
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says Aggressive Driving or Road Rage has become a serious problem on our roadways.
Aggressive Driving is when an individual commits a combination of traffic offenses, which endanger other drivers.
If you commute to work, I'm sure you've seen it before a missed blinker turns into a horn blaring or a close follow from an angry driver. Shifting from lane to lane to drive around a slow driver is just one of many examples of what can be defined as aggressive driving.
So, how do we stop aggressive driving?
Do not react or retaliate against an aggressive driver. This will only cause the situation to escalate. Call 911 and report the driver to the authorities by giving them your location, vehicle make, color and license plate.
Plan your route ahead. If you know the hours traffic starts to pick up, leave your house a few minutes early to avoid cluttered situations that might breed aggressive drivers.
If in the even you've been injured by an aggressive driver in a car accident, fill out our free case evaluation.