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How to keep your children safe at the bus stop


School is here and every week day in Georgia, kids will be loading and unloading at school bus stops.

Here are some important safety tips to share with your kids for when they are at the school bus stop.

(1)        Make sure your child stands far away from the road and traffic at the bus stop.

A good rule of thumb is at least 3 giant steps away from the curb.

(2)        Tell your kids not to run or play at the bus stop. They could trip and fall into the roadway.

(3)        When the bus approaches, make sure your child knows to stay still and not attempt to board the bus until it comes to a complete stop.

(4)        Tell your kids to use the handrails while getting on or off the bus.  Straps or drawstrings for book bags can get caught and this will help protect them from falling.

(5)        If your child drops something while getting on or off the bus, make sure they let the bus driver know so they can safely pick it up. The child needs to make sure the bus driver sees and knows where your child is at all times.

(6)        If your child has to cross the street after exiting the bus, he or she should take five giant steps in front of the bus, and make eye contact with the driver. Once he gets the ok to cross, he should look both ways, and then quickly proceed across the road.


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