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Back to School Safety: How to safely walk to and from the bus stop

walking to and from

With school back into session, here are some very important safety tips for parents to provide your child to use while walking to and from the bus stop.

One of the most important things to do is to establish the safest route for your child to travel and then walk it with them.  Show them where to cross the street and point out any danger zones.

It would be great for you to get together with other parents and establish a schedule where one parent can be there to walk the kids to the bus stop and stay with them until they board, and then one to be there to meet them after school.

Also, check the route for registered sex offenders.

You might be asking yourself, "Are there really reasons we should be concerned about our child's safety? "

You may think - "These "predators" don't live in my neighborhood."

Well, think again.

The U.S. Department of Justice estimates there is one registered sex offender per square mile in the United States.

You may assume "My child would never fall for the lost puppy trick."

Please understand - the "lost puppy" trick or some other trick - is only used approximately 15% of the time in abduction attempts.

85% of the time, the predator will use physical force where he grabs the child.

This is why it is so critical to establish clear boundaries about places your children may go and identify the people that are allowed to take them to school or pick them up.

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