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Insurance Company Tricks After A Car Accident

After a car wreck, the insurance adjuster will act like your long lost friend. They'll tell you they're here to help you and are only interested in what's best for you.

Here are tricks the insurance company will try to use to keep from paying you the fair value of your claim. If you do not have a lawyer, you could be at risk of losing money that is rightfully yours.

  1. The adjuster refuses to confirm that their insured was at fault. The insurance company will try and discourage you from making a legitimate claim - plain and simple. They want to make the hassle so great, that you give up. Don't do it!
  2. The adjuster asks for a recorded statement from you. Do not let anyone take a recorded statement from you - especially if your attorney is not present or on the phone line with you. If you give incomplete answers, or accidentally give incorrect information, it could cost you lots of money.
  3. The adjuster asks you to sign a medical release. Most insurance companies want you to sign a medical release that will give them blanket authorization to ask for your medical records. They will get records from ANY doctor you have ever seen in your past. They'll look for any tie in to show you had a pre-existing injury prior to your wreck.
  4. The adjuster offers you a quick check. The Insurance Company will try and hand you a check before you even seen the doctor. Once a claim is settled your case is closed. If you realize a week later you're in serious pain, there's nothing you can do.
  5. The adjuster tells you that you don't need a lawyer. The insurance company has attorneys on staff that routinely consult your claim, yet they tell you don't need a lawyer? Maybe, it's because the adjuster doesn't want you to know the true value of your claim.


The Insurance Research Council revealed injured victims receive an average of 40 percent more money just by consulting a lawyer to learn their rights.

But, injured victims who hire an attorney received an average of 3 and ½ times more money before legal fees.

Don't delay on seeking what's yours learn how hiring a lawyer can help you!

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