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Knee Injury on the job?

Knee injury on the jobYou're on the job carrying some tools from your work truck to an air conditioning unit you need to finish repairs.  And then it happens - a loud popping noise. Your right knee has given way and you're suddenly laying on the gravel driveway in pain.

Is this a Workers' Compensation claim?

The answer is yes, if your employer has three or more employees and the accident occurred within the course and scope of your employment here in Georgia. After your injury, you visit the ER and are sent for additional diagnostic testing, including an MRI.  You discover that the MRI shows you've torn your ACL. The doctor suggests surgery in a week.

One of the most commonly asked questions we get about workers' compensation is: "Can I get a second opinion?"

The answer is - it depends. Georgia law allows you to have a second opinion with the doctor of your choice and the insurance company has to pay for it IF you have received workers' compensation wage benefits within the last 120 days, but there are certain things you must do to insure the employer/insurer will pay for it.

Here is another option:

By law, your employer has to post a pink panel of physicians at your job. Most employers put it by the time clock. This panel is essentially a list of doctors from which an injured worker can select the physician to provide treatment to them. By law, the panel has to have at least six physicians listed on it. Of the six, one has to be an orthopedic surgeon, and no more than 2 of the 6 can be occupational clinics. If the panel does not have 6 doctors on it, or an orthopedic surgeon is not listed, or it is invalid for any other reason, you may be free to select the physician of your choice to become your authorized treating physician.

A knee injury on the job can be debilitating and take away from your ability to work, so please do not put off seeing a doctor or getting the help you need. If you've sustained a knee injury on the job, fill out our free case evaluation.

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