Personal Injury Lawyer | Atlanta, Georgia
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What is My Personal Injury Case Worth?

If you've been hurt in a car accident, chances are:

You need medical treatment.

The paychecks have stopped coming in, but the bills haven't.

And you need your car repaired.

We help answer those questions so you can focus on going to the doctor and getting better.

One question I am often asked is: "What is my case worth?"

The only honest answer that I - or any Atlanta personal injury lawyer can give you - especially if the wreck was very recent - is "I don't know."

Before anyone can answer this, they need to know:

  • What happened in the wreck? How much property damage was there to the vehicles?
  • What injuries did you sustain?
  • Any broken bones? Scarring?
  • Surgeries or surgical recommendations?
  • Are the injuries permanent?
  • How much are your medical bills and lost wages?
  • Was the at fault driver under the influence of drugs or alcohol?
  • What company insures the Defendant?

These are just a few of the questions we need answered before we can even begin to assess the true value of your claim.

If an Atlanta Personal Injury Lawyer tries to tell you he thinks your case is worth a certain dollar amount - and he doesn't even know the answers to these questions, then please - hang up the phone or run from their office - because I don't feel they are being completely honest with you.

To learn more about your rights, fill out our FREE CASE EVALUATION.

Why Hire Gary Martin Hays:

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