Why Are Lawyers Calling You After a Wreck?
Has a lawyer called you after a car accident?
Well, Let me tell you a quick story about a guy - we will call him Dave:
Dave is injured in a car wreck.
He is taken by ambulance to the hospital.
Dave is treated in the emergency room, and he is released with instructions to see his doctor for follow up.
Dave's wife drives him home.
When they get home, their phone starts ringing off the hook.
So who is calling Dave?
Sadly, the calls are from attorneys, "legal advisors" and even chiropractors encouraging Dave to hire them to help him with his car wreck claim.
These people are called "runners."
Their goal is to refer you to attorneys or to chiropractors.
And if you sign a contract with that attorney or chiropractor, the runner gets paid a referral fee.
Please note: it is illegal and unethical for attorneys to be out there soliciting cases like this.
And, the LAST person you need to hire is an attorney who calls you!
Insurance companies know who these guys are and they will use this against you to diminish the value of your claim.
If an attorney or chiropractor calls you out of the blue after a wreck, hang up on them immediately. Block their phone number.
Don't risk YOUR claim as it will only put money in THEIR pockets.
To learn more about your rights, fill out our FREE CASE EVALUATION.