The Authority on Tractor-Trailer Wreck Claims in Georgia: The Definitive Guide for Injured Victims & Their Lawyers in Tractor Trailer Wreck Cases
Get The Facts from Best-Selling Author And Attorney Gary Martin Hays

Best-selling author and award-winning attorney Gary Martin Hays presents his latest legal book about tractor-trailer truck accidents and what injury victims and their families need to do afterwards to protect their rights. Co-written with Attorney Sarah R. Jett, this essential legal resource addresses many of the concerns you may have about motor vehicle accidents caused by tractor-trailer trucks.
Together, Atlanta attorneys Gary Martin Hays and Sarah R. Jett also answer some of the most frequently asked questions about tractor-trailer accidents, including:
- Who investigates these claims?
- What should be investigated after a tractor-trailer wreck?
- What documents should I ask for from the truck driver after my crash?
- What documents should I ask for from the trucking company after my wreck?
- When should I ask for information from the truck driver and trucking company?
- Can I sue the truck driver if the driver was at fault?
- Can I sue the trucking company and the insurance companies after my truck wreck in Georgia?
Tractor-trailer wrecks result in a fatality every 15 minutes on average. Many more injuries often occur due to these massive commercial trucks, which can weigh as much as 80,000 pounds compared to a 3,000-pound car. If you don’t take strong legal action, you could miss out on your opportunity for justice.
Make sure you know the facts. Get a copy of Gary Martin Hays’ latest book, The Authority on Tractor-Trailer Wreck Claims in Georgia: The Definitive Guide for Injured Victims & Their Lawyers in Tractor-Trailer Wreck Cases. You’ll find the answers to your questions and lots of information you can use to make smart decisions after your tractor-trailer crash.
The book is available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle formats. New clients of Atlanta tractor-trailer accident attorney Gary Martin Hays also receive a complimentary copy of the book free of charge.