Hurt on the Job? Here's What to Do
Honest advice from Atlanta attorneys you can trust
Knowing what to do if you've been hurt at work in Georgia can be overwhelming. Even knowing what your rights are as an injured worker might not be clear. That's why it's important to talk to an attorney who understands personal injury law in Georgia as well as the rules and regulations involving workers' compensation.
Fortunately, you've come to the right place. Our experienced Atlanta workplace injury attorneys at Gary Martin Hays & Associates have dedicated our careers to standing up for the rights of injured workers throughout the state. We know how the legal system works. We know what evidence matters. And we can guide you every step of the way. Call 1-800-898-HAYS to learn more about what our legal team can do for you.

What you should do after a workplace injury
There are many things you should do if you cannot return to work due to a workplace injury. Our step-by-step list of suggestions includes:
- Tell your employer you were hurt at work - In general, you have 30 days to do so, but we recommend that you make this notification immediately and in writing (keeping a copy for your own records). If you wait too long to tell your employer you were hurt at work, you could miss out on receiving workers' compensation or other benefits. Remember that you need to notify your manager or supervisor, not just a coworker.
- Seek immediate medical attention - If you have not already done so, see a doctor right away. Without documentation that you were hurt at work, you will likely have a hard time getting the benefits you need and deserve. Depending on the nature of the injury, you may need to go to an occupational medicine clinic or a hospital emergency room.
- Follow your doctor's instructions - Do exactly what the doctor tells you to do after your workplace injury. Failing to following your doctor's instructions could cause more harm and result in your benefits being questioned.
- Document your injury - You know yourself best. Keep track of how you feel during your recovery. Write it down. Details matter. If a certain part of your body hurts, make a note of when and how severe the pain is in writing. That way, if anyone questions the severity of your injury, you will have a written record of your work-related injury.
- Take photographs - Pictures can be a valuable piece of evidence. If your injuries are visible, a photograph can serve as definitive proof that you sustained a serious on-the-job injury and deserve the time and the resources to recover.
- Contact our law firm - After a workplace injury, you need someone on your side who will speak for you. You need someone who will be your legal advocate. Our law firm can be your voice for justice. We can stand up for you and demand justice.
- File for workers' compensation with our help - You have one year from the date of your injury to file a workers' compensation claim in Georgia. That might seem like a long time. But the sooner you submit a claim, the sooner you can start the process for seeking the benefits you need and deserve. Having an experienced attorney on your side will help you move forward as quickly and efficiently as possible.
- Rest and recover - Many hardworking people have a hard time slowing down and taking time to recover from their injury. Listen to your body. You're in pain. You need to rest and give your body a break. That's why you have time off from work during your recovery. Use your time wisely. Take it easy. You'll hopefully be back at work soon, and we'll handle the details of your claim in the meantime.

How our law firm can help you
We cannot stress enough how important it can be to have an experienced workplace injury attorney on your side, standing up for your rights. Your employer may raise doubts about your injury. Or your employer's insurance company may raise objections, claiming you're not really hurt or that you sustained your injury outside of work. As a result, your workers' compensation benefits might be cut off or you might be forced to go back to work too soon.
That's not right. Remember, you didn't do anything wrong. You got hurt at work. Now, you're simply asking for the time and resources to rest and recover from your workplace injury. You're legally entitled to receive such benefits. And you should not feel guilty for doing so. You have rights. We can fight for them. Find out how we can help you. Contact us and schedule your free case evaluation today.